Feature Release: Exhibits Management

Product news
March 4, 2024
Preview and Control When You Share

Exhibits play an integral role in every deposition and case strategy, and having control over your exhibits during a proceeding enables you to confidently and securely manage your presentation.  We’ve listened to your feedback, and we’ve designed an enhanced experience to meet your needs.

Parrot’s new Exhibit Management experience makes it easy to upload, share, present, mark and maintain full control of your exhibits. With our new Zoom integration, we’ve made it easier than ever to  upload exhibits during the proceeding and delineate between exhibits you’re ready to present and those you want to keep private.  You can feel confident that you’re sharing the right portion of the document with our preview functionality, and easily remove the documents you decide not to share. And for any shared exhibits, Parrot will automatically save them in your Parrot account, so there’s no additional work for you once the deposition is complete. Our mission is to empower you by saving valuable time and energy that you can put towards your legal strategy. Learn more here.

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